Not Everyone Gets A Trophy

"The method of “everyone gets a trophy” proved to not be a suitable method. Developing a balance of praise and constructive criticism helps the student soar. Give people the gift of independence. Their personal growth became the success that really took their journey up the ladder."
When I began my entrepreneurship as a dance studio owner, I did it intending to make a positive difference in the community. I wanted to inspire people how to gain
confidence, believe in themselves, and apply it to their life skills.
As an entrepreneur, I learned from companies that I entrusted to help me build my fire. I studied leaders in major businesses, education, politics, speakers, and many leadership companies. It’s a combination of experiencing good and not-so-good that helps me help others. Business and self-improvement developed.
It can be simple if you are willing.
There were a few students along the way who did not accept learning the skills to become their greatest potential. Some were not ready to learn those skills yet. If you are intentional about your leadership development, then you will grow and be open to learning more about growth. If you don’t think you have any more to learn or don’t want to change, you may not gain the tools to help in personal development and that’s a choice too.
I have had times when a young student disputed the journey and couldn’t break through, so they blamed me for their shortcoming or failure. As I watched their adult life, this helped me learn more. At first, the comments devastated me. I went through emotional breakdowns because I was pouring myself in and the outcome was disheartening for a few. As I continued to study more, I discovered it was the personality conflict. It was not up to me to wave the magic wand to their success.
Why would some become so confident and strong, and a few didn’t? They didn’t want to grow yet. They would quit educational facilities and jobs or just never get out of the rut. When they were ready, they would grow. After learning about personality impact reports, I studied more about personalities, and this was beneficial to my coaching. I gained more tools to offer students and coaching clients with this personality success.
Teachers and coaches would give too much praise and a trophy for everything in a child’s junior years. Many gave false hope without encouraging the training and work. You may have heard of this; everyone is a winner. They are, but they still need the truth and learn to work for it. The method of “everyone gets a trophy” proved to not be a suitable method. Developing a balance of praise and constructive criticism helps the student soar. Give people the gift of independence. Their personal growth became the success that really took their journey up the ladder.
I saw that the “tough love” method in their junior years made people more confident and stronger. It helped them find their own power. It allowed them to explore how their confidence soared when they overcame adversity. They realized they needed to be in control of themselves to pull through. They learned to trust themselves with courage and confidence. Working so much with youth into their adult years allowed me to adapt to coach adults to transform into their fresh growth.
I’m sharing a few of my real-life experiences with you. It is what I have witnessed through my years of teaching and coaching. These experiences brought me a passion for coaching entrepreneurs and professional adults.